Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Thanks to all my Toastmaster friends for the great feedback.

And now a little of my own:
  1. What's up with the pinky finger (4:24)? Looks totally stupid - stop that!
  2. Boy talk about run-on sentences, no pause whatsoever!
  3. I jerk my head around like a broken Disneyland puppet! You know those old ones that were pneumatically driven?
  4. The piece of paper in hand, the cheat sheet, sucks. Gotta be able to memorize my speech well enough to work without the cheat-sheet -- it's only 7 minutes! (6 for icebreaker) Although I'm glad I had it, I changed this speech so many times I wouldn't have made it without it.
  5. And what about my son! Totally rolled over that...jeez...
  6. Hands behind back - check.
  7. I am still saying some things 'cute' like a little kid. How can anyone take me seriously if I talk like a child???
  8. Specific words/phrases to improve on:
    1. Air Force
      1. "R", is not clear.
      2. combined with high voice everything sounds 'kiddish'.
    2. 4:05 - " controlled planes, build them and fly them..."
      1. wtf? Too high and intonation all wrong.
    3. 4:40 "America" -- The R's have it! Again intonation, inflection, pitch, "R" all wrong.
    4. Before
    5. 6:53 - peapuul instead of people.
    6. sport and pleasure - too high, as a matter of fact I can stop here:
      1. ALL R's and pitch and inflection are too high and going up towards end of word/sentence.
For next time:

  1. Better Conclusion - Ending was weak - next time peg this.
  2. Address first of all "Madame Toastmaster, fellow toastmasters, distinguished guests". Don't really like this - I would rather simply say "my friends..."
  3. No arms behind back - let your arms speak.
  4. No pointing with pinky finger.
  5. PAUSE between sentences.
  6. Any questions - "What questions do you have?"

"Opening and ending didn't really exist..."
right! check that one!

One feedback I find very interesting:
"I wasn't sure if I could trust everything you said or if it was story telling"
It is a method of speech writing/giving to incorporate stories, should be a good thing, however if my audience doesn't believe it?
Don't really know what to make of this feedback yet, I will keep an eye on this for sure.

